Benoît Charles Gauthier: Career Profile
Benoît invites you to discover the extent of his academic and professional background.
Benoît directed speech seminars for judges of the federal judiciary
Career Profile
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Benoît has been a teacher for over twenty years.
He taught high school (regular program - French, Theatre and International Baccalaureate), junior college (Literature and Theatre) and university (Aesthetics, Dramaturgy and Semiotics).
Involved in the theatre for fifteen years, Benoît was an actor (with about forty leading roles) and a director (Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Paris).
Benoît Gauthier and Marie Turgeon, La seconde surprise de l’amour, Marivaux, Théâtre Distinct, Ottawa, 1988. Photo: Mario St-Jean.
Benoît C. Gauthier holds degrees from the University of Ottawa (BA Humanities (major) and Theatre (major)), from the University of Quebec in Hull (Teaching Certificate) and from the University of Quebec in Montreal (MA Theatre (honourable mention magna cum laude) and PhD in History (honourable mention summa cum laude)).
From 1998 to 2004, Benoît led seminars on Public Speaking for the judges of the federal judiciary.
Benoît's business attracts a diverse clientele: administrative directors, senior officials, lawyers, parliamentarians, business people, journalists, communication managers, performers, students.

Benoît Gauthier et Marie Turgeon, La seconde surprise de l’amour, Marivaux, Théâtre Distinct, Ottawa, 1988.
Photo : Mario St-Jean.

His work experience is diverse: publishing coordinator (L’Annuaire théâtrale, international journal), teaching positions at the University of Ottawa and the University of Quebec in Montreal, teaching positions in junior college (Theatre program which he co-founded) and teaching public speech at the Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs.
His professional theatre work spans fifteen years. Benoît was both an actor and a director (with classical and modern repertoires).
In 2011, Benoît completed a PhD, doing research on a topic which is closely linked to the very essence of his business.
Letters of recommendation are available on request
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